
Classic Advertising: Sidewalk Chalk

SGA Elections are in the air at the University of Alabama. That means campaign staff are out and about passing out flyers, stickers, buttons, cups, bottle openeners, coozies, etc. It also means that no matter what sidewalk you're on, you're sure to see a "chalked advertisiment" for a candidate. With all the chalking going on it's possible for one to be overlooked...Unless they look like this

This chalk art/advertising is sure to get anyone's attention. Also, great timing with the release of Disney's Alice and Wonderland

1 comment:

  1. The artistic creativity to draw that with chalk is amazing. Unfortunately at Alabama, advertising doesn't really go that far in SGA Elections and there is no real way to duplicate this on a mass scale. I didn't even see that chalking. Virtually, you'd have to be at the right place on campus to see it which is unfortunate. I wonder how much time it took to draw that?
