
Lexus Hybrid's ESPN.com Campaign

Lexus has begun an Ad campaign to show their veteran status in manufacturing hybrid vehicles (obviously since 2004). When you visit ESPN.com the first thing you see is a page from 2004, and the rest is history (pun intended).


Honda's Troll Ad

My bestfriend and I used to laugh hysterically at this commercial.

Comedy is one of the best "hooks" in on screen advertising...actually in advertising, period.


MasterCard's "Priceless" Ad Campaign

MasterCard does a great job coming up with a campaign and a slogan that ANYONE can remember...and even make it into their own...


Classic Advertising: Sidewalk Chalk

SGA Elections are in the air at the University of Alabama. That means campaign staff are out and about passing out flyers, stickers, buttons, cups, bottle openeners, coozies, etc. It also means that no matter what sidewalk you're on, you're sure to see a "chalked advertisiment" for a candidate. With all the chalking going on it's possible for one to be overlooked...Unless they look like this

This chalk art/advertising is sure to get anyone's attention. Also, great timing with the release of Disney's Alice and Wonderland

UPS White Board Commercials

UPS uses a strong, creative visual advertisement to convey their message.

The white board gives the commercial a classroom feel, but the "transforming drawings" relaxes the tone of the commercial and allows for pertinent information to be relayed to the viewer effortlessly.


Ebony Magainze: Sade

The best advertisement for magazines: their magazine covers. This one is sensational.

The dark font and dark background combined with Sade's dark hair and light skin complexion definitely makes this cover stand out on the screen...and undoubtedly on the newstands too.

"Run Through The Wall" by Nike

This literally made me gasp when I saw it.

Excellent use of architecture to draw attention to the brand name.

Thanks to The Relax for this post.


Good thought. Bad Execution??

Back in 2001 Macy Grey promoted her new album in an extremely "high visibility" area.

It's a good thought, but it may be done in poor taste. One thing you don't want to do with advertising is repel the customer.

But you know what they say, "No publicity is bad publicity"


The Original "Got Milk" Commercial

The flagship ad for the National Milk Processor Board's "Got Milk" ad campaign. The "got milk" ad campaign also features celebrities wearing the infamous "milk mustache."

Toyota's "Swagger Wagon" Ad

A creative attempt to make a mini-van seem cool.

Microsoft's "I'm a PC" Ad Campaign

After Apple uses this Ad campaing to make Microsoft seem "uncool" this is Microsoft's attempt to make it's "Windows" software suite seem people friendly.